confidence acceleration

The ingredients to confidence demystified.

Want to multiply impact in your life and the communities around you?

Achieve breakthroughs in areas that have been blocking you?

Accelerate your personal success journey and alter the trajectory of your life?

Learn ways to grow and multiply your confidence through targeted practice with the tools, science, and support to level up your performance, with a profound effect across your entire life.

Science-backed. Human led.


empowerment programs



Flagship programs on confidence, storytelling, and presence. Break down limiting beliefs and progress faster than you ever expected.

Delivered as stand-alone or to amplify the impact of existing programs.

Want to deep dive into a particular theme such as facilitation, innovation, or the neuroscience of confidence?

Reach out to explore experiencing an engaging and dynamic masterclass to suit your needs.

Looking to level up fast with a deeply personal, engaging, and tough love practical approach?

Learn scientific levers, as well as practise behaviours to shift into your next level of professional and personal performance.

About Lucy

Lucy Antrobus is a social entrepreneur and confidence catalyst. She is an expert on technology, innovation, and entrepreneurship for the United Nations.

She delivers confidence-building programs for leadership teams and grassroots communities internationally.

She hosts Human Alchemy, a podcast exploring confidence, neuroscience, and food.

Snow Covered Trees


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